With work now underway on the East Wing, David Paterson updates members on the other areas of the Masterplan

It is unusually hard to write about the Masterplan just as the contractors, Knight Harwood, begin their work on redeveloping the East Wing and there is the usual summer lull in Club meetings. A lot is happening and yet it seems like very little. In some ways this is a good thing as it gives the team, and the Masterplan Oversight Group (MOG), a chance to reflect on the project to date, and to consider what changes are needed as we move on to the next stages. On the other hand, constant oversight of the contractors is essential, and there is ongoing work in progress on other elements of the Masterplan. I have listed some of them here:

Improved East Wing landscaping, details of which are available on the website. The plans have three key objectives; first, to integrate the internal and external areas of the new restaurant; secondly, to separate clearly the member space from the events space; and thirdly, to provide an improved outside space, solely for events, to the East of the Broomhouse Suite. This last may involve moving the Sphere Fountain to maximise its utility. However, this is not uncontroversial in terms of aesthetics and cost. A final decision will not be taken until fully considered by the Main Committee.

Item 1 of 3

The North and West Wing projects were always closely connected in the Masterplan. As work on designs for the North Wing proceeded it became clear that, given the potential demands for space across both buildings, we could only succeed by combining the design work into a single project. Decisions on how, and when, the construction work on each wing take place will follow. To ensure there is a strong link between users and designers across both projects, the North Wing Working Group has been replaced by the North and West Wings Working Group, ‘NAWG’ for short, ‘gnaw’ by necessity. It has already met with Swimming & Fitness, Young Hurlingham and F&B representatives and, over coming weeks, will evaluate and try to prioritise the various requirements, while working with the architects and others on the practicalities. Member approval for a scheme will probably not be sought before the second half of 2025.

The Broomhouse Lane Gate plans are with the Council for approval. At the planners’ request, a second traffic survey has been done and two consultation meetings with residents have been held. Reports on both have been sent to the Council.

The Cricket Pavilion plans have been examined for cost savings, while maintaining the quality of the new pavilion, in the light of its important position in the Club’s landscape. Consideration is also being given as to how it might be used for other purposes, outside the cricket season, and what the financial implications of such usage might be.

Finally, please, check the Club website for updates on the Masterplan and, of more immediate importance, where and when you can enjoy food and drink.



Contract Signed!

Exciting times as East Wing contractor appointed

On 19 July, we signed the contract with Knight Harwood, appointing them as the main contractor for the development of the East Wing. They started work three days later and, as many of you will have seen, the project is well under way. This is hugely exciting and will result in significant improvements to your experience of the Club, both by enhancing our food and beverage capabilities, but also by providing significant extra space and capacity for members by repurposing areas previously used principally for external events. The benefits will be felt, not just in the East Wing itself, but also in other parts of the Club, where there should be reduced pressure on facilities.

There will inevitably be some disruption and inconvenience, and I ask for your understanding and forbearance while the works are underway. I would like to thank all those who have worked tirelessly to get us to this stage, mainly the management of the Club, but also the many members who have contributed in numerous different ways, including participating in the working groups created to ensure that Hurlingham’s unique ethos is reflected in the style of the new restaurant and renovated East Wing.

The East Wing is the first of the major Masterplan projects, and we are now turning our attention to the North and West Wings. We have come to realise that decisions about one are inextricably connected with decisions about the other, and that they need to be viewed and managed as one project. We have therefore set up the North and West Wings Working Group, inelegantly named the NAWG, chaired by Richard Rawlinson. The NAWG is currently taking soundings from a wide range of interest and user groups within the Club to ensure that we capture as many members’ requirements as possible. The NAWG’s aim is to develop a brief for the architects which, subject to the financial constraints within which we operate, will address as many of those requirements as we can. There will inevitably be trade-offs and compromises and the only certainty is that it will not be possible to satisfy everyone’s needs.

Since the East Wing is now closed, we will not be able to have our AGM there as we usually do. We will therefore now be holding it online on Wednesday 9 October, and the Senior Leadership Team is working to ensure it goes as smoothly as possible. Fortunately, we had some practice during Covid, and are therefore relatively well prepared.

I hope you will all have observed that, despite the considerable amount of time being devoted to the Masterplan, the Club is nevertheless running quite smoothly, which is reflected in the balance of comments received – now far more positive than negative. This is a tribute to our staff and management, who are on a journey of continuous improvement to raise our already high standards and enhance your experience. I thank them on your behalf.



Hurlingham Club Foundation

In this issue

Club News

This October’s meeting is online only

Summers sees the Club at its best

David Paterson and Simon Duffy update members

A big thank you to supporters and volunteers

IT update from Alexis Cheshire

Member Experience and Events

A look back at some of the highlights

Capturing the best of a sizzling summer

The secrets of the Players’ wardrobe

Gardens & Landscape

The Grounds are the jewels in our crown

Jenny Montefiore spends time with Aby Parrot and her team

The dream team keeping mice and pigeons at bay

The super pollinators

Our bees have been busy!


The history of cricket at the Club

Update on some of the Club’s many treasures

Food & Beverage

A big thank you to our F&B team

A selection of seasonal whites

Member Stories

Members letters cover the Club’s guardian policy and modestly-priced wines

Including Olympic beach volleyball

How to leave your book group and advice for new members…

How to get hitched without a hitch

Hurlingham’s unsung heroes

The Hurlingham Club Racing Syndicate

Jay Prosser on writing his new book in an age of division