Mixing it up

Heathcote has had yet another busy summer and has a packed schedule ahead! We hosted Inter-Club for a Croquet Summer Garden Party in May, with teams taking to the lawns in their droves to see who had the rockiest roquet and the most stunning strike. The weather held up for the most part and it was fabulous to be able to host everyone in the Sunken Garden. As always with Inter-Club we had a full house, and everyone thoroughly enjoyed being able to pop over to the cricket pitch to check on the score for the Club’s team.
We hosted another of our annual Tennis and Pimm’s evenings in June, which was a huge success, thanks to Jess Ormsby, who has recently joined the Club’s Events team. Heathcote took over five courts for an evening of doubles games. If you haven’t been to one of our tennis evenings before but have been watching Wimbledon and wishing you played more often, then please come along next time for a friendly game!
Don’t forget our monthly Heathcote Padel Evenings and our Quarterly Drinks (next one is Wednesday 11 September). Coming up we have a Mixology Masterclass on Thursday 19 September, our inaugural Halloween Fright Night on Tuesday 29 October and Whisky Tasting on Thursday 21 November. We hope to see many of you there, both old friends and new!
For anyone interested in getting involved with the committee and helping us to organise next year’s schedule, please get in touch with Jess at jess.ormsby@hurlinghamclub.org.uk. We always welcome feedback, fresh ideas, and new faces on the committee.

YH continues to benefit from superb events, activities, and facilities

Some select sporting highlights involved goggles, racquets and bats. After the previous issue went to print, the YH team swam brilliantly at the Roehampton Gala, securing 155 points to their 151. With the parents also successful in their relay, both cups are proudly on display in the Long Gallery. The terrific mini tennis champs were played in excellent spirits. Junior cricket fixtures have been consistent and, on Cricket Sunday, the juniors squeezed in a game and a coaching session with former England captain, Charlotte Edwards, before the rain set in.
Thankfully it was dry for the Camp Out, when a delightful diversity of tents huddled on the cricket outfield. Scores of children revelled in an evening and night of parent-free adventure, before many donned their uniforms to return to school in the morning!
We continue to pilot new holiday activities. Following successful trials of cycling lessons and all-day multi-sports camps, these are now included in the bursting calendar of summer holiday choices.
No YH summer update would be complete without referencing the Family Picnic, the pinnacle of the YH calendar. With hundreds of families and their guests gathering to celebrate the Hurlingham oasis in SW6, the combination of fairground rides, food stalls, charming performances, and sweets, are reassuringly familiar.
YH facilities continue to build in popularity across age groups, fromthe excellent study suite for which our teens rose from their slumbers uncharacteristically early to secure a precious desk, to the crèche where, recognising ongoing challenges for both members and the service provider (345), refinements include parents being able to book directly with 345 and the opportunity to pay with childcare vouchers.
The Hurlingham Foundation works closely with many local organizations and charities including Sands End Associated Projects in Action (SEAPIA). To help SEAPIA run their holiday programme for children who need care throughout the summer; it has been wonderful to welcome them to share the adventure playground in weekly sessions.
“The Masterplan is hugely relevant to all of us. Families are well represented in the NAWG to shape the North and West Wing plans”
The Masterplan is hugely relevant to all of us. Families are well represented in the NAWG to shape the North and West Wing plans, and we hope YH will continue to actively engage in YH open meetings and surveys to influence the prioritisation of facilities we need at our Club in the future.
The YH committee has been in place for several years and recent interest from members to get involved has been uplifting. We welcome several new committee members who will represent all stages and interests of YH in the future.
Having made some important updates, we implore all supervising adults to familiarise themselves with applicable Club safety regulations, when they are using the Club, whether in a pool with under 8s or accompanying 12-16-year-olds to the Gym.
Looking ahead, squash is a new addition to the class schedule for the autumn term. Hurlingham Sunday on 8 September will include a host of pursuits as well as the return of Splashathon, and we hope to mobilise as many junior members as possible to support the important work of the Hurlingham Foundation. October will see half-term distractions including the Trick-or-Treat Trail. November brings Guy Fawkes Night, and our YH ballet dancers will perform in a Woking theatre show in November. YH has much to look forward to next quarter.
In this issue

Club News
This October’s meeting is online only
Summers sees the Club at its best
David Paterson and Simon Duffy update members
A big thank you to supporters and volunteers
IT update from Alexis Cheshire

Member Experience and Events
A look back at some of the highlights
Capturing the best of a sizzling summer
The secrets of the Players’ wardrobe

Gardens & Landscape
The Grounds are the jewels in our crown
Jenny Montefiore spends time with Aby Parrot and her team
The dream team keeping mice and pigeons at bay
The super pollinators
Our bees have been busy!

The history of cricket at the Club
Update on some of the Club’s many treasures

Food & Beverage
A big thank you to our F&B team
A selection of seasonal whites

Member Stories
Members letters cover the Club’s guardian policy and modestly-priced wines
Including Olympic beach volleyball
How to leave your book group and advice for new members…
How to get hitched without a hitch
Hurlingham’s unsung heroes
The Hurlingham Club Racing Syndicate
Jay Prosser on writing his new book in an age of division