ISSUE 140 | AUTUMN 2024
Summer in full bloom

Splashing about!
Well, we have been subjected to a rollercoaster of different weather conditions in this so-called summer, but luckily the major events took place either in a heatwave or at least with no rain!
I am always astonished at how resilient our members are when it comes to alfresco eating. Come rain, wind or shine, tables are beautifully set, and we sit eating delicious feasts, carefully wrapped up against the cold. It reminds me of family holidays spent on the windswept Greatstone Beach, when ‘sand’wiches were the order of the day!
We made the most of the Club before the East Wing lockdown began, after the exceptionally successful Giorgio Armani Tennis Classic. The Summer Fiesta was also great fun and certainly caught the Ibiza vibe, although I confess to not taking to the dance floor! With the annual Family Picnic on Saturday and the Euros Final on Sunday, the Events team was delighted that the rain stayed away for the weekend. However, a somewhat exhausted staff must now still be recovering from that marathon – what stars they all are!
In this issue, you will read that the F&B and Events teams are making sure that the most is made of all available space throughout the Club, so that dining and events on a smaller scale can be delivered throughout the autumn. It must be like fitting a massive jigsaw together.

For some Chairs, there may be some sense of relief as they stand down from their roles at the AGM, because the editorial team will no longer be nagging them for their contributions to Hurlingham. As Editor, I would like to thank everyone we chase up to the deadline, for rising to the challenge and submitting their articles, for without their support there would be no magazine.
We are currently working with IT, and our designer Matthew Jenns, to make the task of editing the magazine run more smoothly, but are only in the early stages. By the next issue we hope to be fully automated!
A quick reminder to support our brave Early Bird Channel Swim team to reach their target! Good luck to them all!
Enjoy the rest of the summer.

Hana Tiller
Dates for the diary 2024

The Hurlingham Club Foundation Open Meeting
Thursday 5 September, 6.30pm, Dining Room
Pre-AGM Open Meeting
Thursday 12 September, 7pm, (online)
Wednesday 9 October, 7pm, (online)
Hurlingham Sunday
Sunday 8 September, 9.30am onwards
Guy Fawkes/ Bonfire Night
Saturday 2 November, 5.30-11pm

In this issue

Club News
This October’s meeting is online only
Summers sees the Club at its best
David Paterson and Simon Duffy update members
A big thank you to supporters and volunteers
IT update from Alexis Cheshire

Member Experience and Events
A look back at some of the highlights
Capturing the best of a sizzling summer
The secrets of the Players’ wardrobe

Gardens & Landscape
The Grounds are the jewels in our crown
Jenny Montefiore spends time with Aby Parrot and her team
The dream team keeping mice and pigeons at bay
The super pollinators
Our bees have been busy!

The history of cricket at the Club
Update on some of the Club’s many treasures

Food & Beverage
A big thank you to our F&B team
A selection of seasonal whites

Member Stories
Members letters cover the Club’s guardian policy and modestly-priced wines
Including Olympic beach volleyball
How to leave your book group and advice for new members…
How to get hitched without a hitch
Hurlingham’s unsung heroes
The Hurlingham Club Racing Syndicate
Jay Prosser on writing his new book in an age of division
The Hurlingham Club, Ranelagh Gardens, London, SW6 3PR I Telephone: 020 7610 7400 I Editor: Hana Tiller I Hurlingham Team: Jean Bird, Elle Croneen, Kate Fazakerley, Frances Gordon, Lizzie Lee, Jenny Montefiore I Photography: Tony Gamble, Isobel McTear (Club photographer), members and staff Illustrations: Jean Bird, Kate Fazakerley I Design: zedcreative.co.uk I Instagram: thehurlinghamclub
While every care is taken in the preparation of this magazine, The Hurlingham Club cannot be held responsible for the accuracy of the information herein, or any consequences arising from it. Zed Creative accepts no responsibility for the views expressed in the magazine.